Hi There

How are you going?

Are You Feeling

  • unmotivated and lethargic?
  • worried and overwhelmed by the chaos in your head that is clouding your mind and draining your energy?
  • resentment that things haven’t gone your way despite you giving it your very best effort?
  • mood swayed easily by other people?
  • restricted, when you are sure you can reach greater heights?
  • confused, stressed and stuck, because you want to change but you just keep falling down the rabbit hole and can’t get out?
  • unworthy, guilty, or lacking in value?
  • conflicted, believing in yourself in one moment and doubting yourself in the next?
  • incapable of understanding or communicating how you feel and what you truly wanting to say?
  • frustrated by the lack of progress despite your constant effort?
  • a sense of self-sabotage, procrastination, or imposter syndrome?
  • like you were meant for something more but you aren’t empowered?

Whether You Are Looking To Breakthrough

To go for what you love


To Start A Business

To go for your long-time passion

To go for your Dream

Then this is the right place for You

Life is Like Climbing A Mountain

Along the way, you will experience moments of ease and moments of difficulty. When you are at the pivotal point of any climb, the crux of the scramble, it’s pointless to ask the mountain to make things easier. The rocks won’t change; the gulfs won’t seal. The strength must come from you.
“When you reach the top of the mountain, you might feel pride that you have beaten the mountain, and spend some time basking in the view and the elation of victory… but what truly brings you joy isn’t the winning, but the euphoria of actualizing the next level of you.”
Jasmine Lim

I am here for you, if you are ready to claim your power of free will to begin

I offer coaching in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

I offer two different coaching packages to cater to different circumstances, goals, and needs. Both of them include a free discovery call, followed by transformational coaching based on a combination of mind-body-spiritual techniques. Through this integrated approach, I will help you tap into the resources that already exist inside you. I believe we are all born with everything we need to climb that mountain and the power to make possibility reality.    Your potential may be blocked by external and internal noise, unconscious biases, and limiting beliefs, preventing you from seeing with clarity, but my goal is to help you rise above the chaos and thrive, living the life you love to the fullest! We can all find a life filled with happiness, freedom, and possibilities if:
– we own the power of free will and tune into our spiritual intuition
– we activate the power of our minds, transforming ourselves from mindlessly existing to consciously living
– we shake off the chaos and empower our bodies to do the work.

This is the way to create lasting, virtuous improvements in every aspect of our lives. With these changes, peace, joy, and love can arise, and creativity, wisdom, and abundance can flow.

You have to release the rocks you cling to in order to reach for a higher point.

Rise - 6 weeks Package

If you are not sure what you want but you are looking for clarity about your life’s direction, for the motivation to go after your goals, for a way to silence background noise and declutter chaos, and to activate your worth and strengths, this 6 sessions package is for you.

What’s included:

  • 6x weekly calls (approx 60 -90 mins) Each session is customised based on outcome you would like to achieved, results are measurable.
  • FREE guided meditation for each session
  • Email + Whatsapp support – Direct access & private messaging with me. Between our coaching calls, you are able to text or voice message me with any questions and I will answer. Seriously, should something pop into your head just shoot me a message and I’ll be there!
  • Workbook & Journal Prompt

Rise & Thrive - 10 weeks Package

This 10 week package help you gain clarity, empower you, and activate powers within you. It will also grant you access to the depths of your mind, body, and soul – your beliefs, your habits, your identity – and completely transform you so that you can achieve sustainable result and growth. You tell me your vision and we’ll make it happen!

What’s included:

    • 10x weekly calls (approx 60 -90 mins) Each session is customised based on outcome you would like to achieved, results are measurable.
    • FREE guided meditation for each session
    • Email + Whatsapp support – Direct access & private messaging with me. Between our coaching calls, you are able to text or voice message me with any questions and I will answer. Seriously, should something pop into your head just shoot me a message and I’ll be there!
    • Workbook & Journal Prompt

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions about my services.
If I have missed anything, please do not hesitate to schedule a free discovery call for a chat.

Have you ever wondered, “should I listen to my gut or my brain?”

I understand that feeling because I’ve been there… torn between two choices, so paralysed by indecision that I didn’t take either one.

The thing is, it doesn’t matter where you start, only that you begin! Actions provide clarity. If you don’t act, you’ll never know whether the course you’re thinking of taking is really for you. If you don’t act, you will never be ready. If you don’t act, there’s no way to validate whether your gut or your brain is right – and everything will stay wrong.

When it comes to choosing a new path, it’s not a matter of how ready you are, but more a matter of how determined you are. We all know that without action, nothing changes; you won’t achieve your dreams, or give yourself more free time. If you want things to change, you need to change them – or they may stay the same or change in the wrong way.

Ask yourself: how long have I been waiting for? Have I waited long enough? How much longer should I hold off because I doubt myself? Am I waiting for the right time? Will that time ever come?

Trust your intuition! I believe in you and I believe you’re ready for this – so do you believe in yourself?

Many of my clients admit that they have spent so much money, time, effort, and energy on the wrong path because they tried to “go it alone.” There is so much to learn and there are so many distractions in this constantly changing world, how do you even know WHAT to focus on?

The whole “I’ll do it myself” approach is like trying to dig for buried treasure without a metal detector. You’ll be busy digging and working hard, but how do you even know if you’re digging in the right spot?! You don’t!

Let me show you WHERE to dig and HOW to get to what you want in life, and let me help you shift some of the big rocks that will stop you from getting your shovel into the ground. Once that’s done, you can take over and do the digging.

I’ll help you work out where to focus and how to get effective and sustainable results so you can skip all the “trial and error” time, effort, money, and energy. I truly believe that everyone has a butterfly in them and I see the potential in people – so my mission is to unleash it. I believe that freedom and happiness are to be found within, and I want to be the metal detector that shows you where to dig for your buried treasure. That’s what I am here for!

Life gets in the way and you might feel that you don’t have enough time for this. Remember, however, that we all get 24 hours a day, and it’s your choice how to spend them. The question is, do you choose to spend your time on things that truly matter? You’ve come to my site because you want to learn more about yourself, so why not prioritise discovering your potential? I know that even squeezing a single hour a week out of your schedule can be a hard thing to do, and I’ve felt that too, but I made it happen and found myself able to live the life I love running my business while managing many other works, and being a mum to two young kids. If I can do it, you can do it too!  

Great! I am happy to answer all your question. Please do book a free chat (with zero pressure) to find out if we are a good fit.