Do you often have these thoughts running through your mind?
“Oh, he/she looks better than me.”
“He/she has a better life than me.”
“He/she gets more likes than me.”
“He/she gets there faster than me.”
Do you often compare yourself to others?
Do you want results fast and often impatience with the process?
Most of us want to be better than others or at least the same as others, so we do not feel “fault” or “odd”. Often we’re afraid of showing our uniqueness and embracing what we have. We fear being vulnerable, revealing our true selves, and letting the world know who we really are. And we’re afraid of losing credibility because we aren’t perfect.
So, we try to hide the things that make us stand out from the crowd to be seen as “just like everyone else”. Or we try to fit ourselves into what we call the “majority” box.
The trouble is that hiding your true self, dimming your voice, and shadowing your lights trying to fit in is what keeps you away from reaching your true potential.
Overthinking, perfectionism, competitive thinking, fear and anxiety are the noises in your head that hinder you from expressing, making the true connection, and impacting you meant to make. It also impedes the growth you’ve meant to gain in your life, holding you off from the life full of happiness, freedom, and possibilities you’ve meant to live.
Embrace your pace, strength, and uniqueness is the first step to healing and growth. Stop comparing with others with your pace, strength and have. You are right where you are meant to be.
“A flower does not think of competing with the other flower next to it, and it just blooms.” Zhen Shin
“Be Simply Yourself. Don’t compare and compete.” Lao Tzu
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” Lao Tzu.
Life isn’t a race. So, stop dimming your authentic voice and light. Let it shine to its full potential. You are and always will be the most important asset you have.
I hope this helps you today.
Before all this began, I was a Technology geek having an amazing career. Today, I am an entrepreneur, certified business, leadership and personal coach, mentor and speaker.